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Master Routine is a DVD series that will teach you full routines that you can learn in minutes and then perform for an amazed audience. The Ambitious Card is a classic and a staple of any professional card

A freely selected and signed card is returned to the deck. The magician puts two rubber bands around the deck, one along its length and one across. The magician hold the deck so the bottom card (not the chosen one) is visible.

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OMNIBUS focuses on the most popular card effect in the history of magic... The Ambitious Card. Out of print for years and highly sought after on the used market; this includes all the material contained in its original 1987 printing as well as a NEW BONUS CHAPTER on Daryl's Ultimate Ambition! Nothing has been left out, every nuance is covered in great detail. Many have considered this book to be the last word on the Ambitious plot. OMNIBUS is a timeless look into the history and workings of this card classic. Includes: The Double Turnover. The Double Lift. Double lift Build-up. The Top Change. The Bluff Pass. Color Change. The Pop-Up Card. Center Double Lift. The Hofzinser Spread Pass. Signed with Suspicion. The Tip Over Change. Tabled Ambition. Ambitious Move. The Kagemusha Principal. Paintbrush Change. The Impromptu Duplicate. The Tip-Over Change. The Ambitious Miracle-Change. The Outjog Change. The Screened Leipzig Pass. The Ultra Move. The Ambitious Double Deal. The Umbiguitious Card. Under Foot. Four Finales. The Ambitious Twins. Ambitious Gimmickry. Plus, MUCH More. "Daryl is one of the smoothest and most entertaining close-up performers I have ever witnessed..."--Dai Vernon. "The marvelous book, The Ambitious Card Omnibus, is an extraordinary encyclopedia, one that only an especially great magician and an especially grand connoisseur as Daryl could make--and as I have written and felt so many times, the Ambitious Card is for me, as it is for so many aficionados and all professionals, one of the most powerful, symbolic and magical effects in card-magic of all time. Thanks to his book, to his effort and creativity, Daryl gave us in his book everything necessary to develop our own performances."--Juan Tamariz.

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OMNIBUS focuses on the most popular card effect in the history of magic... The Ambitious Card.  Out of print for years and highly sought after on the used market; this includes all the material contained in its original 1987
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