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Imagine suddenly producing an enormous wand, black with white tips, approximately 27" long and 2.5" diameter from the air. Or from a spectator's pocket or a jar or box. This wonderful wand folds up small and springs
A marked deck where the magician can tell the identity of every card from the back is one of the most useful card decks permitting you to perform literally hundreds of tricks. This Bicycle design marked deck is one of the easiest
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After spending fifty years collecting Sawing in Half memorabilia, and the past year and a half researching and writing this incredible story, I couldn't be more excited for you to see the finished product. Learn how this trick
A few years back Joel Dickinson released an effect called Solitude. A brilliant new take on the card to impossible location plot. Since that time there have been other versions hitting the market but none match the ingenuity of Solitude Extreme!
Imagine this: You show the spectator a card saying that represents a prediction...the prophecy of Horus. Then you introduce cards of mixed puzzle pieces saying that they create three typical Egyptian symbols. At this point the spectator will proceed to
Any card is selected and is initialized on its back by the spectator. The card is shuffled back into the deck. Next, a blank-faced card with a hole in its center is shown and placed on top of the deck - the top card can be clearly seen
Fragment is a clever and practical approach to the visual appearing deck effect, including additional applications such as smooth transpositions and deck vanishes utilizing the Fragment gimmick. This is a collaboration from the entire
In 2019, Larry Hass released the first of two posthumous books that were to share all of Eugene Burger's unpublished materials. Carried out at Eugene's request and in close collaboration, these books reflect Eugene's fondest wish