Money Magic--Coins
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A playing card is placed over mouth of an ordinary drinking glass. A Half Dollar and an English Penny are placed on top of the card and the Half Dollar is slowly slid on top of the English Penny. Instantly and visually the
Display 4 Quarters and drop them one at a time into your hand. When you drop the fourth Quarter, 3 other Quarters have VANISHED! They SEE the coins visibly drop into your hand! Then the fourth Quarter VANISHES!
A coin trick precision made from Half Dollars and Centavos. You put both coins into the spectator's hand, in full view. The Centavos disappears and can turn into a quarter. The routine shows you how to win a Scotch and
The magician shows two coins, places them on the table and puts a glass (brim upwards) on the coins. Incredibly one of the coins appears inside the glass. In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by
This is a stack of five U.S. quarters joined together by a pivot pin. This stack will work great in a Cap and Pence routine. Make a stack of quarters change to a stick of pennies…or dines…or a die. You will be able to perform
Equal number of coins put in each hat, yet, each time when poured out from the hats, one coin is mysteriously transported one by one to another. Finally one hat has all the coins! It’s Wonderfool!
You bring out a small rectangular wooden block from your pocket and open it to show a half dollar in it. You remove the Half Dollar coin from the wooden block and visibly place the coin in your pocket. You then close
Everybody is interested in money. That’s why tricks with money are always popular. Would you like to learn how to BURN and RESTORE a borrowed dollar bill? - to vanish a ROLL OF BILLS? - to produce a bill "out of the
Two jumbo recplicas of U.S. currency are displayed. One of the bills is folded in half. Other bill is slipped inside the folded bill forming an inverted "T". Half of the inside bill is folded over the front of the oustide bill.
One of the most amazing "coin to impossible location" routines you will EVER see and a complete sellout at Blackpool! We are proud to bring you John Murray's classic effect, The Mark! A powerful routine that will be