Silk Magic
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This is a great, visual quickie! From the man who made an unfortunate purchase! Due to a manufacturing defect (accidental or deliberate), some handkerchiefs won't knot for right-handers. How can you recognize one of these radical rags? Well, unless yo
Here is a fresh book of innovative effects and methods with eye-appealing and popular props in magic--doves, silk and flowers. Nearly two-dozen items, including the author's own Silk Act and his Comedy
Another book from Supreme that is hard to find…the classic Sypathetic Silks has been a stand-up worker's dream for years. Six silks behave in an uncanny way, knotting and unknotting at the whim of the performer. The simplest and most
Ever imagine you could hypnotize a hanky and have it do whatever you want? Or, have that square of silk act like Houdini and "escape" from a glass? You can! And, that's not all: make a handkerchief change color,
These three books were inspired by, and dedicated to the author's daughter. Volume One, Silks-N-ropes-N-Rings, is filled with magic using silks, ropes and rings, with originations and variations that can be
Two silks are knotted together, then a third visibly becomes imprisoned between the others. Printed instructions and routines.
A complete silk act in manuscript form. A very amusing story about a young couple and their matrimonial woes, all work out with silks and pieces of magical apparatus, most of which magicians have on hand. The routine has comedy, surprise, and mystery.
Complete illustrated instructions for easy-to-perform tricks with handkerchieves: Threading the Needle, Silk from Silk, Houdini’s Coat, and 58 more.
Includes a wide variety of methods for producing and vanishing ultrasilks, dyeing silks, 20th century silk trick, 23 tricks with silks, knots and flourishes, usefull accessories, sleights, etc. The silk enthusiast should