HOLD ON! Midwest Magic is moving! Yup...after over 25 years, we will NO LONGER BE IN FRANKLIN PARK, IL. In view of this overwhelming undertaking, we WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ORDERS until our new site is ready. We hope to be back up to speed as soon as possible, and in the mean time, we appreciate your patience and understanding. Thanks!
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Mona Lisa is watching! Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? On these paintings the eyes will follow you. Simply hang these paintings up at eye level and they do all the work! Each is hand painted to perfection and antique framed

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Sankey, Jay
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Eight pieces of a cut postcard (featuring Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa') are handed out to be closely examined. A spectator selects one of the pieces. And a folded prediction is introduced. A spectator is asked to hold the remaining pieces behind her back and give them the 'ultimate fair shuffle' (mixing their order, and also randomly turning them over.) When the spectator slowly deals the pieces onto the table, and the prediction is unfolded, it perfectly matches the selected piece! And the prediction also matches the exact arrangement of the remaining 7 pieces! DERANGED is easy to do, immediately resets, and never misses! Includes the custom designed postcard, plastic wallet and full-length DVD! "The effect seems impossible."--David Regal. "It might even give your spectators an enigmatic smile."--Jim Kleefeld.

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Eight pieces of a cut postcard (featuring Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa') are handed out to be closely examined.  A spectator selects one of the pieces.  And a folded prediction is introduced.  A spectator is asked to hold
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