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1. Give the spectator a prediction. 2. Ribbon spread a deck of playing cards. 3. Ask the spectator to choose a number. 4. Count to the number chosen... After several months of work in collaboration with David Ferrari to refine this
I really admire Jeff Stone's approach to mentalism. His effects are not only especially powerful, but also clear and undeniable. And his presentations [in Stone Cold Mental] provide strong theatrical themes, while leaving plenty of room for
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Baltresca's Sleeving
What a disappointing presentation! A couple of good techniques mixed with a whole lot of irrelevant rubbish!! I now own all the DVDs on Sleeving and this along with 'Sleeveless Sleeving' are the worst. By far the best DVDs on this subject are Rocco's 'Basic's of Sleeving' and Carl Cloutier's DVD's. Avoid Baltresca's DVD like the plague.
- Anonymous |